Making Requests
Requests are how most bot actions are done. Stuff like sending messages,
creating channels and managing users. AckCord represents every request as an
object you construct. There are many ways to send an request, but the most
common are through the end action on controllers, and using RequestsHelper
To create a request object, you can either just construct it normally, or use
the syntax package.
import ackcord.requests._
import ackcord.syntax._
client.onEventSideEffects { implicit c =>
case APIMessage.ChannelCreate(_, channel: TextGuildChannel, _, _) =>
//There is also CreateMessage.mkContent for this specific pattern
val constructManually = CreateMessage(, CreateMessageData(content = "Hello World"))
val usingSyntax = channel.sendMessage(content = "Hello World")
Next you need to send the request. For this example we will use RequestsHelper
This object can be found on the client. That also means it’s time to move away
from onEventSideEffects
. Even though sending requests can never
return option, the run
command will return an OptFuture[A]
is a wrapper around Future[Option[A]]
. This is done
due to the many cache lookup methods that return Option
When your event handler returns OptFuture[Unit]
, you’re recommended
to use DiscordClient#onEventAsync
and ActionBuilder#asyncOpt
client.onEventAsync { implicit c =>
case APIMessage.ChannelCreate(_, channel: TextGuildChannel, _, _) => = "Hello World")).map(_ => ())
The RequestsHelper
object also contains lots of small helpers to deal with
and requests.
client.onEventAsync { implicit c =>
case msg: APIMessage.ChannelCreate =>
import client.requestsHelper._
for {
//optionPure lifts an Option into the dsl
guildChannel <- optionPure(
guild <- optionPure(guildChannel.guild)
//runOption runs an Option[Request].
msg <- runOption("FIRST")))
//Running a request without using the extra syntax
_ <- run(CreateMessage.mkContent(msg.channelId, "Another message"))
} yield ()