implicit final class WebhookSyntax extends AnyVal
- Source
- syntax.scala
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- WebhookSyntax
- AnyVal
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Value Members
- def delete: DeleteWebhook
Delete this webhook.
- def deleteWithToken: Option[DeleteWebhookWithToken]
Delete this webhook with a token.
Delete this webhook with a token. Doesn't require authentication.
- def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
- Definition Classes
- AnyVal → Any
- def modify(name: util.JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined, avatar: util.JsonOption[ImageData] = JsonUndefined, channelId: util.JsonOption[TextGuildChannelId] = JsonUndefined): ModifyWebhook
Modify this webhook.
Modify this webhook.
- name
Name of the webhook.
- avatar
The avatar data of the webhook.
- channelId
The channel this webhook should be moved to.
- def modifyWithToken(name: util.JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined, avatar: util.JsonOption[ImageData] = JsonUndefined, channelId: util.JsonOption[TextGuildChannelId] = JsonUndefined): Option[ModifyWebhookWithToken]
Modify this webhook with a token.
Modify this webhook with a token. Doesn't require authentication.
- name
Name of the webhook.
- avatar
The avatar data of the webhook.
- channelId
The channel this webhook should be moved to.