


implicit final class GatewayGuildSyntax extends AnyVal

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. GatewayGuildSyntax
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new GatewayGuildSyntax(guild: GatewayGuild)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  4. def afkChannel: Option[NormalVoiceGuildChannel]

    Get the afk channel in this guild.

  5. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  6. def categories: Seq[GuildCategory]

    Get all the categories in this guild.

  7. def categoriesByName(name: String): Seq[GuildCategory]

    Get all the categories with a name.

  8. def categoryById(id: SnowflakeType[GuildCategory]): Option[GuildCategory]

    Get a category by id in this guild.

  9. def channelById(id: GuildChannelId): Option[GuildChannel]

    Get a channel by id in this guild.

  10. def channelsByName(name: String): Seq[GuildChannel]

    Get all the channels with a name.

  11. def createEmoji(name: String, image: ImageData, roles: Seq[RoleId]): CreateGuildEmoji

    Create a new emoji in this guild.

    Create a new emoji in this guild.


    The name of the emoji.


    The image for the emoji.

  12. def delete: DeleteGuild

    Delete this guild.

    Delete this guild. Must be the owner.

  13. def emojiById(id: EmojiId): Option[Emoji]

    Get an emoji by id.

  14. def emojisByName(name: String): Seq[Emoji]

    Get all the emoji with a name.

  15. def fetchAuditLog(userId: Option[UserId] = None, actionType: Option[AuditLogEvent] = None, before: Option[RawSnowflake] = None, limit: Option[Int] = None): GetGuildAuditLog

    Fetch an audit log for a this guild.

  16. def fetchEmojis: ListGuildEmojis

    Fetch all the emojis for this guild.

  17. def fetchSingleEmoji(emojiId: EmojiId): GetGuildEmoji

    Fetch a single emoji from this guild.

    Fetch a single emoji from this guild.


    The id of the emoji to fetch.

  18. def fetchWebhooks: GetGuildWebhooks

    Fetch the webhooks in this guild.

  19. def fetchWelcomeScreen: GetGuildWelcomeScreen
  20. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]
    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  21. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  22. def leaveGuild: LeaveGuild

    Leave this guild.

  23. def memberById(id: UserId): Option[GuildMember]

    Get a guild member by a user id.

  24. def memberFromUser(user: User): Option[GuildMember]

    Get a guild member from a user.

  25. def membersWithRole(roleId: RoleId): Seq[GuildMember]

    Get all the guild members with a role

    Get all the guild members with a role


    The role to check for.

  26. def modifyWelcomeScreen(enabled: util.JsonOption[Boolean] = JsonUndefined, welcomeChannels: util.JsonOption[Seq[WelcomeScreenChannel]] = JsonUndefined, description: util.JsonOption[String] = JsonUndefined): ModifyGuildWelcomeScreen
  27. def normalVoiceChannelById(id: VoiceGuildChannelId): Option[NormalVoiceGuildChannel]

    Get a voice channel by id in this guild.

  28. def normalVoiceChannels: Seq[NormalVoiceGuildChannel]

    Get all the normal voice channels in the guild.

  29. def normalVoiceChannelsByName(name: String): Seq[NormalVoiceGuildChannel]

    Get all the voice channels with a name.

  30. def presenceById(id: UserId): Option[Presence]

    Get a presence by a user id.

  31. def presenceForUser(user: User): Option[Presence]

    Get a presence for a user.

  32. def roleById(id: RoleId): Option[Role]

    Get a role by id.

  33. def rolesByName(name: String): Seq[Role]

    Get all the roles with a name.

  34. def setNick(nick: Option[String]): ModifyCurrentMember

    Modify the clients nickname.

    Modify the clients nickname.


    The new nickname

  35. def stageChannelById(id: StageGuildChannelId): Option[StageGuildChannel]

    Get a stage channel by id in this guild.

  36. def stageChannels: Seq[StageGuildChannel]

    Get all the stage channels in the guild.

  37. def stageChannelsByName(name: String): Seq[StageGuildChannel]

    Get all the stage channels with a name.

  38. def textChannelById(id: TextGuildChannelId): Option[TextGuildChannel]

    Get a text channel by id in this guild.

  39. def textChannels: Seq[TextGuildChannel]

    Get all the text channels in the guild.

  40. def textChannelsByName(name: String): Seq[TextGuildChannel]

    Get all the text channels with a name.

  41. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
  42. def voiceChannelById(id: VoiceGuildChannelId): Option[VoiceGuildChannel]

    Get a voice channel by id in this guild.

  43. def voiceChannels: Seq[VoiceGuildChannel]

    Get all the voice channels in the guild.

  44. def voiceChannelsByName(name: String): Seq[VoiceGuildChannel]

    Get all the voice channels with a name.

  45. def voiceStateFor(userId: UserId): Option[VoiceState]

    Get a voice state for a user.

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
