



trait NoParamsRequest[RawResponse, NiceResponse] extends RESTRequest[NotUsed, RawResponse, NiceResponse]

A request that takes no params.

Linear Supertypes
RESTRequest[NotUsed, RawResponse, NiceResponse], BaseRESTRequest[RawResponse, NiceResponse], Request[RawResponse], AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
DeleteGlobalApplicationCommand, DeleteGuildApplicationCommand, GetApplicationCommandPermissions, GetGlobalApplicationCommand, GetGlobalApplicationCommands, GetGuildApplicationCommand, GetGuildApplicationCommandPermissions, GetGuildApplicationCommands, AddGuildMemberRole, AddThreadMember, CreateGuildSticker, CreateReaction, CrosspostMessage, DeleteAllReactions, DeleteAllReactionsForEmoji, DeleteChannelPermission, DeleteCloseChannel, DeleteGuild, DeleteGuildEmoji, DeleteGuildIntegration, DeleteGuildRole, DeleteGuildScheduledEvent, DeleteGuildSticker, DeleteGuildTemplate, DeleteInvite, DeleteMessage, DeleteOriginalWebhookMessage, DeleteOwnReaction, DeleteStageInstance, DeleteUserReaction, DeleteWebhook, DeleteWebhookMessage, DeleteWebhookWithToken, GetChannel, GetChannelInvites, GetChannelMessage, GetChannelMessages, GetChannelWebhooks, GetCurrentUser, GetCurrentUserGuilds, GetGuild, GetGuildAuditLog, GetGuildBan, GetGuildBans, GetGuildChannels, GetGuildEmoji, GetGuildIntegrations, GetGuildInvites, GetGuildPreview, GetGuildPruneCount, GetGuildScheduledEvent, GetGuildScheduledEventUsers, GetGuildSticker, GetGuildTemplate, GetGuildTemplates, GetGuildVanityUrl, GetGuildVoiceRegions, GetGuildWebhooks, GetGuildWelcomeScreen, GetGuildWidget, GetGuildWidgetSettings, GetInvite, GetOriginalWebhookMessage, GetPinnedMessages, GetReactions, GetStageInstance, GetSticker, GetThreadMember, GetUser, GetUserConnections, GetWebhook, GetWebhookMessage, GetWebhookWithToken, JoinThread, LeaveGuild, LeaveThread, ListActiveGuildThreads, ListGuildMembers, ListGuildStickers, ListJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads, ListNitroStickerPacks, ListPrivateArchivedThreads, ListPublicArchivedThreads, ListScheduledEventsForGuild, ListThreadMembers, ListVoiceRegions, NoParamsNiceResponseReasonRequest, NoParamsNiceResponseRequest, NoParamsReasonRequest, NoParamsResponseReasonRequest, NoParamsResponseRequest, GetCurrentAuthorizationInformation, GetCurrentBotApplicationInformation, PinMessage, RemoveGuildBan, RemoveGuildMember, RemoveGuildMemberRole, RemoveThreadMember, SyncGuildTemplate, TriggerTypingIndicator, UnpinMessage, ListActiveChannelThreads
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. NoParamsRequest
  2. RESTRequest
  3. BaseRESTRequest
  4. Request
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def responseDecoder: Decoder[RawResponse]

    A decoder to decode the response.

    A decoder to decode the response.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def route: RequestRoute

    The router for this request.

    The router for this request.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def toNiceResponse(response: RawResponse): NiceResponse

    Convert the response to a format the cache handler can understand.

    Convert the response to a format the cache handler can understand.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def bodyForLogging: Option[String]

    Returns the body of this Request for use in logging.

    Returns the body of this Request for use in logging.

    Definition Classes
  2. def collect[B](f: PartialFunction[RawResponse, B]): Request[B]

    Map the result if the function is defined for the response data.

    Map the result if the function is defined for the response data.

    Definition Classes
  3. def extraHeaders: Seq[HttpHeader]

    All the extra headers to send with this request.

    All the extra headers to send with this request.

    Definition Classes
  4. def filter(f: (RawResponse) => Boolean): Request[RawResponse]

    Filter the response of sending this request.

    Filter the response of sending this request.

    Definition Classes
  5. def hasPermissions(implicit c: CacheSnapshot): Boolean

    Check if a client has the needed permissions to execute this request.

    Check if a client has the needed permissions to execute this request.

    Definition Classes
  6. val identifier: UUID

    An unique identifier to track this request from creation to answer.

    An unique identifier to track this request from creation to answer.

    Definition Classes
  7. def jsonParams: Json

    The params of this request converted to json.

    The params of this request converted to json.

    Definition Classes
  8. def jsonPrinter: Printer
    Definition Classes
  9. def map[B](f: (RawResponse) => B): Request[B]

    Map the result of sending this request.

    Map the result of sending this request.

    Definition Classes
  10. def params: NotUsed

    The params of this request

    The params of this request

    Definition Classes
  11. def paramsEncoder: Encoder[NotUsed]

    An encoder for the params of this request

    An encoder for the params of this request

    Definition Classes
  12. def parseResponse(entity: ResponseEntity)(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Future[RawResponse]

    A flow that can be used to parse the responses from this request.

    A flow that can be used to parse the responses from this request.

    Definition Classes
  13. def requestBody: RequestEntity

    The body of the request to send.

    The body of the request to send.

    Definition Classes
  14. def requiredPermissions: Permission

    The permissions needed to use this request.

    The permissions needed to use this request.

    Definition Classes
  15. def transformResponse[B](f: (ExecutionContext) => (Future[RawResponse]) => Future[B]): Request[B]

    Transform the response of this request as a flow.

    Transform the response of this request as a flow.

    Definition Classes