case class AddThreadMember(channelId: ThreadGuildChannelId, userId: UserId) extends NoParamsResponseRequest with Product with Serializable
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- AddThreadMember
- Serializable
- Product
- Equals
- NoParamsResponseRequest
- NoResponseRequest
- NoNiceResponseRequest
- NoParamsRequest
- RESTRequest
- BaseRESTRequest
- Request
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new AddThreadMember(channelId: ThreadGuildChannelId, userId: UserId)
Value Members
- def bodyForLogging: Option[String]
Returns the body of this Request for use in logging.
Returns the body of this Request for use in logging.
- Definition Classes
- RESTRequest → Request
- val channelId: ThreadGuildChannelId
- def collect[B](f: PartialFunction[NotUsed, B]): Request[B]
Map the result if the function is defined for the response data.
Map the result if the function is defined for the response data.
- Definition Classes
- Request
- def extraHeaders: Seq[HttpHeader]
All the extra headers to send with this request.
All the extra headers to send with this request.
- Definition Classes
- Request
- def filter(f: (NotUsed) => Boolean): Request[NotUsed]
Filter the response of sending this request.
Filter the response of sending this request.
- Definition Classes
- Request
- def hasPermissions(implicit c: CacheSnapshot): Boolean
Check if a client has the needed permissions to execute this request.
Check if a client has the needed permissions to execute this request.
- Definition Classes
- BaseRESTRequest → Request
- val identifier: UUID
An unique identifier to track this request from creation to answer.
An unique identifier to track this request from creation to answer.
- Definition Classes
- Request
- def jsonParams: Json
The params of this request converted to json.
The params of this request converted to json.
- Definition Classes
- RESTRequest
- def jsonPrinter: Printer
- Definition Classes
- RESTRequest
- def map[B](f: (NotUsed) => B): Request[B]
Map the result of sending this request.
Map the result of sending this request.
- Definition Classes
- Request
- def params: NotUsed
The params of this request
The params of this request
- Definition Classes
- NoParamsRequest → RESTRequest
- def paramsEncoder: Encoder[NotUsed]
An encoder for the params of this request
An encoder for the params of this request
- Definition Classes
- NoParamsRequest → RESTRequest
- def parseResponse(entity: ResponseEntity)(implicit system: ActorSystem[Nothing]): Future[NotUsed]
A flow that can be used to parse the responses from this request.
A flow that can be used to parse the responses from this request.
- Definition Classes
- NoResponseRequest → BaseRESTRequest → Request
- def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
- Definition Classes
- Product
- def requestBody: RequestEntity
The body of the request to send.
The body of the request to send.
- Definition Classes
- RESTRequest → Request
- def requiredPermissions: Permission
The permissions needed to use this request.
The permissions needed to use this request.
- Definition Classes
- BaseRESTRequest
- def responseDecoder: Decoder[NotUsed]
A decoder to decode the response.
A decoder to decode the response.
- Definition Classes
- NoResponseRequest → BaseRESTRequest
- def route: RequestRoute
The router for this request.
The router for this request.
- Definition Classes
- AddThreadMember → Request
- def toNiceResponse(response: NotUsed): NotUsed
Convert the response to a format the cache handler can understand.
Convert the response to a format the cache handler can understand.
- Definition Classes
- NoNiceResponseRequest → BaseRESTRequest
- def transformResponse[B](f: (ExecutionContext) => (Future[NotUsed]) => Future[B]): Request[B]
Transform the response of this request as a flow.
Transform the response of this request as a flow.
- Definition Classes
- Request
- val userId: UserId