
package components

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. components
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class AutoButtonHandler[Interaction <: ComponentInteraction] extends MultiAutoButtonHandler[Interaction]

    An MultiAutoButtonHandler supporting only a single identifier.

  2. abstract class AutoMenuHandler[Interaction <: MenuInteraction] extends MultiAutoMenuHandler[Interaction]

    An MultiAutoMenuHandler supporting only a single identifier..

  3. abstract class ButtonHandler[InteractionTpe <: ComponentInteraction] extends ComponentHandler[ComponentInteraction, InteractionTpe]

    Base class for all button handlers.

    Base class for all button handlers. For more comfort, use AutoButtonHandler to automatically register the handler when you create an instance of it it.

  4. abstract class ComponentHandler[BaseInteraction <: ComponentInteraction, InteractionTpe <: BaseInteraction] extends InteractionHandlerOps

    A type handling some sort of component interaction.

  5. abstract class MenuHandler[InteractionTpe <: MenuInteraction] extends ComponentHandler[MenuInteraction, InteractionTpe]

    Base class for all menu handlers.

    Base class for all menu handlers. For more comfort, use AutoMenuHandler to automatically register the handler when you create an instance of it it.

  6. abstract class MultiAutoButtonHandler[Interaction <: ComponentInteraction] extends ButtonHandler[Interaction]

    An ButtonHandler that registers itself when an instance of it is created.

  7. abstract class MultiAutoMenuHandler[Interaction <: MenuInteraction] extends MenuHandler[Interaction]

    An MenuHandler that registers itself when an instance of it is created.

  8. class RegisteredComponents extends AnyRef

    A class keeping track of all the active components and the handlers for their interactions.

    A class keeping track of all the active components and the handlers for their interactions. By default, the global GlobalRegisteredComponents is used, but you can also make and use your own.

  9. implicit final class SelectMenuOps extends AnyVal
  10. implicit final class TextButtonOps extends AnyVal

Value Members

  1. object ButtonHandler
  2. object GlobalRegisteredComponents extends RegisteredComponents

    The global RegisteredComponents used by default.

  3. object MenuHandler

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
