package commands

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ApplicationCommandControllerBase[BaseInteraction[A] <: CommandInteraction[A]] extends InteractionHandlerOps

    Base class for application commands controllers.

  2. class CacheApplicationCommandController extends ApplicationCommandControllerBase[ResolvedCommandInteraction]

    An application command controller that adds cache info the the interactions.

    An application command controller that adds cache info the the interactions. Requires using the gateway to respond to interactions.

  3. case class ChoiceParam[Orig, A, F[_]] extends Param[Orig, A, F] with Product with Serializable

    A parameter that allows multiple choices for the user.

    A parameter that allows multiple choices for the user.


    The type the parameter originally has.


    The type the parameter has after a bit of processing.


    The context of the parameter, either Id or Option currently.

  4. abstract class CommandBuilder[Interaction[_], Args] extends AnyRef

    A builder of some sort of command.

  5. sealed trait CreatedApplicationCommand extends AnyRef

    An application command created in AckCord.

  6. case class MessageCommand[InteractionObj[_]] extends CreatedApplicationCommand with Product with Serializable
  7. class MessageCommandBuilder[Interaction[_]] extends CommandBuilder[Interaction, InteractionPartialMessage]

    A builder for message commands.

  8. class NamedSlashCommandBuilder[Interaction[_], A] extends SlashCommandBuilder[[_]Interaction[_], A]
  9. sealed trait Param[Orig, A, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    A parameter that can be used in a slash command.

    A parameter that can be used in a slash command.


    The type the parameter originally has.


    The type the parameter has after a bit of processing.


    The context of the parameter, either Id or Option currently.

  10. sealed trait ParamList[A] extends AnyRef
  11. case class SlashCommand[InteractionObj[_], A] extends SlashCommandOrGroup with Product with Serializable
  12. class SlashCommandBuilder[Interaction[_], A] extends CommandBuilder[Interaction, A]

    A slash command builder.

  13. case class SlashCommandGroup extends SlashCommandOrGroup with Product with Serializable
  14. sealed trait SlashCommandOrGroup extends CreatedApplicationCommand
  15. class StatelessApplicationCommandController extends ApplicationCommandControllerBase[StatelessCommandInteraction]

    An application command controller that does not require extra state in the form of a gateway connection.

  16. case class UserCommand[InteractionObj[_]] extends CreatedApplicationCommand with Product with Serializable
  17. class UserCommandBuilder[Interaction[_]] extends CommandBuilder[Interaction, (User, Option[InteractionRawGuildMember])]

    A builder for user commands.

  18. case class ValueParam[Orig, A, F[_]] extends Param[Orig, A, F] with Product with Serializable

    A parameter with a normal value..

    A parameter with a normal value..


    The type the parameter originally has.


    The type the parameter has after a bit of processing.


    The context of the parameter, either Id or Option currently.

Value Members

  1. object ChoiceParam extends Serializable
  2. object CreatedApplicationCommand
  3. object Param
  4. object ParamList
  5. object ValueParam extends Serializable
