object GatewayEvent

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. GatewayEvent
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class ApplicationCommandWithGuildId(command: ApplicationCommand, guildId: Option[GuildId]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. case class ChannelCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawChannel]]) extends OptGuildEvent[RawChannel] with ChannelEvent[RawChannel] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a new channel is created.

    Sent to the shard when a new channel is created.


    The channel that was created.

  3. case class ChannelDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawChannel]]) extends OptGuildEvent[RawChannel] with ChannelEvent[RawChannel] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a channel is deleted.

    Sent to the shard when a channel is deleted. The current snapshot will not contain the channel.


    The channel that was deleted.

  4. sealed trait ChannelEvent[D] extends GatewayEvent[D]

    Base trait for an event that includes a channel.

  5. case class ChannelPinsUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[ChannelPinsUpdateData]]) extends ChannelEvent[ChannelPinsUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a message is pinned or unpinned in a text channel.

    Sent to the shard when a message is pinned or unpinned in a text channel. This is not sent when a pinned message is deleted.

  6. case class ChannelPinsUpdateData(guildId: Option[GuildId], channelId: TextChannelId, lastPinTimestamp: util.JsonOption[OffsetDateTime]) extends Product with Serializable


    The id of the guild where this change happened.


    The channel where the change happened.


    The time the most recent pinned message was pinned.

  7. case class ChannelUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawChannel]]) extends OptGuildEvent[RawChannel] with ChannelEvent[RawChannel] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a channel is edited or updated.

    Sent to the shard when a channel is edited or updated.


    The channel that was edited. This will always be a guild channel.

  8. case class DeletedIntegration(id: IntegrationId, guildId: GuildId, applicationId: Option[ApplicationId]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class GuildBanAdd(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[UserWithGuildId]]) extends GuildEvent[UserWithGuildId] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when an user is banned from a guild.

    Sent to the shard when an user is banned from a guild.


    The banned user with a guildId of what guild the user was banned from.

  10. case class GuildBanRemove(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[UserWithGuildId]]) extends GuildEvent[UserWithGuildId] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when an user is unbanned from a guild.

    Sent to the shard when an user is unbanned from a guild.


    The unbanned user with a guildId of what guild the user was unbanned from.

  11. case class GuildCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawGuild]]) extends GuildEvent[RawGuild] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard after the shard connects to the gateway, when a previously unavailable guild becomes available, and when the client joins a new guild.

    Sent to the shard after the shard connects to the gateway, when a previously unavailable guild becomes available, and when the client joins a new guild.


    The created guild object.

  12. case class GuildDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[UnavailableGuild]]) extends GuildEvent[UnavailableGuild] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard either if a guild becomes unavailable due to and outage, or if the client leaves or is kicked from a guild.

    Sent to the shard either if a guild becomes unavailable due to and outage, or if the client leaves or is kicked from a guild.


    The deleted or unavailable guild.

  13. case class GuildEmojisUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildEmojisUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildEmojisUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when the emojis of a guild have been updated.

  14. case class GuildEmojisUpdateData(guildId: GuildId, emojis: Seq[RawEmoji]) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild where the update occoured.


    The new emojis.

  15. sealed trait GuildEvent[D] extends GatewayEvent[D]

    Base trait for all simple events that include an optional guild.

  16. case class GuildIntegrationsUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildIntegrationsUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildIntegrationsUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when the integrations of a guild were updated.

    Sent to the shard when the integrations of a guild were updated. You have to fetch the integrations yourself.

  17. case class GuildIntegrationsUpdateData(guildId: GuildId) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild where the update occurred.

  18. case class GuildMemberAdd(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawGuildMemberWithGuild]]) extends GuildEvent[RawGuildMemberWithGuild] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user joins the guild.

    Sent to the shard when a user joins the guild.


    The new guild member, includes a guild id.

  19. case class GuildMemberChunk(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildMemberChunkData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildMemberChunkData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard if the shard requests to get all members (even offline ones) for large guilds using RequestGuildMembers.

  20. case class GuildMemberChunkData(guildId: GuildId, members: Seq[RawGuildMember], chunkIndex: Int, chunkCount: Int, notFound: Option[Seq[UserId]], presences: Option[Seq[RawPresence]], nonce: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild requested for.


    The guild members in this chunk.


    If some users that was requested wasn't found, their ID is returned here.


    The presences of the users if those were requested as well.

  21. case class GuildMemberRemove(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildMemberRemoveData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildMemberRemoveData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user leaves the guild (or is kicked or banned).

  22. case class GuildMemberRemoveData(guildId: GuildId, user: User) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild the user left from.


    The user that left.

  23. case class GuildMemberUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildMemberUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildMemberUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a guild member is updated.

  24. case class GuildMemberUpdateData(guildId: GuildId, roles: Seq[RoleId], user: User, nick: Option[String], avatar: Option[String], joinedAt: Option[OffsetDateTime], premiumSince: Option[OffsetDateTime], deaf: Option[Boolean], mute: Option[Boolean], pending: Option[Boolean], communicationDisabledUntil: Option[OffsetDateTime]) extends Product with Serializable

    The fields seen here are all the fields that can change.

    The fields seen here are all the fields that can change. Looking at the users ackcord.data.raw.RawGuildMember for changes is pointless.


    The guild of the guild member.


    Thew new roles for the guild member.


    The user of the updated guild member.


    Nick of the user if one was set.


    Avatar of the user if a custom one was set.


    When the user bosted the guild.

  25. case class GuildRoleCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildRoleModifyData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildRoleModifyData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a new role is created.

  26. case class GuildRoleDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildRoleDeleteData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildRoleDeleteData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a role is deleted.

  27. case class GuildRoleDeleteData(guildId: GuildId, roleId: RoleId) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild of the deleted role.


    The deleted role.

  28. case class GuildRoleModifyData(guildId: GuildId, role: RawRole) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild of the modified role.


    The modified role.

  29. case class GuildRoleUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildRoleModifyData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildRoleModifyData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a role is updated.

  30. case class GuildScheduledEventCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildScheduledEvent]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildScheduledEvent] with Product with Serializable
  31. case class GuildScheduledEventDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildScheduledEvent]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildScheduledEvent] with Product with Serializable
  32. case class GuildScheduledEventUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildScheduledEvent]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildScheduledEvent] with Product with Serializable
  33. case class GuildStickersUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[GuildStickersUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[GuildStickersUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when the stickers of a guild have been updated.

  34. case class GuildStickersUpdateData(guildId: GuildId, stickers: Seq[RawSticker]) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild where the update occoured.


    The new stickers.

  35. case class GuildUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawGuild]]) extends GuildEvent[RawGuild] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a guild object is updated.

    Sent to the shard when a guild object is updated.


    The updated guild.

  36. case class IgnoredEvent(name: String, rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[Unit]]) extends GatewayEvent[Unit] with Product with Serializable
  37. case class IntegrationCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[IntegrationWithGuildId]]) extends GuildEvent[IntegrationWithGuildId] with Product with Serializable
  38. case class IntegrationDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[DeletedIntegration]]) extends GuildEvent[DeletedIntegration] with Product with Serializable
  39. case class IntegrationUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[IntegrationWithGuildId]]) extends GuildEvent[IntegrationWithGuildId] with Product with Serializable
  40. case class IntegrationWithGuildId(guildId: GuildId, integration: Integration) extends Product with Serializable
  41. case class InteractionCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawInteraction]]) extends OptGuildEvent[RawInteraction] with Product with Serializable
  42. case class InviteCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[InviteCreateData]]) extends OptGuildEvent[InviteCreateData] with ChannelEvent[InviteCreateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent when an invite is created.

  43. case class InviteCreateData(channelId: GuildChannelId, code: String, createdAt: OffsetDateTime, guildId: Option[GuildId], inviter: Option[User], maxAge: Int, maxUses: Int, targetType: Option[InviteTargetType], targetUser: Option[User], targetApplication: Option[PartialApplication], temporary: Boolean, uses: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  44. case class InviteDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[InviteDeleteData]]) extends OptGuildEvent[InviteDeleteData] with ChannelEvent[InviteDeleteData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent when an invite is deleted.

  45. case class InviteDeleteData(channelId: GuildChannelId, guildId: Option[GuildId], code: String) extends Product with Serializable
  46. case class MessageCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawMessage]]) extends ChannelEvent[RawMessage] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a message is created (posted).

    Sent to the shard when a message is created (posted).


    The sent message.

  47. case class MessageDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[MessageDeleteData]]) extends ChannelEvent[MessageDeleteData] with OptGuildEvent[MessageDeleteData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a message is deleted.

  48. case class MessageDeleteBulk(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[MessageDeleteBulkData]]) extends ChannelEvent[MessageDeleteBulkData] with OptGuildEvent[MessageDeleteBulkData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when multiple messages are deleted at the same time.

    Sent to the shard when multiple messages are deleted at the same time. Often this is performed by a bot.

  49. case class MessageDeleteBulkData(ids: Seq[MessageId], channelId: TextChannelId, guildId: Option[GuildId]) extends Product with Serializable


    The deleted messages.


    The channel of the deleted messages.


    The guild this was done in. Can be missing.

  50. case class MessageDeleteData(id: MessageId, channelId: TextChannelId, guildId: Option[GuildId]) extends Product with Serializable


    The deleted message.


    The channel of the message.


    The guild this was done in. Can be missing.

  51. case class MessageReactionAdd(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[MessageReactionData]]) extends ChannelEvent[MessageReactionData] with OptGuildEvent[MessageReactionData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user adds a reaction to a message.

  52. case class MessageReactionData(userId: UserId, channelId: TextChannelId, messageId: MessageId, guildId: Option[GuildId], member: Option[RawGuildMember], emoji: PartialEmoji) extends Product with Serializable


    The user that caused the reaction change.


    The channel of the message.


    The message the reaction belonged to.


    The guild this was done in. Can be missing.


    The emoji the user reacted with.

  53. case class MessageReactionRemove(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[MessageReactionData]]) extends ChannelEvent[MessageReactionData] with OptGuildEvent[MessageReactionData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user removes a reaction from a message.

  54. case class MessageReactionRemoveAll(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[MessageReactionRemoveAllData]]) extends ChannelEvent[MessageReactionRemoveAllData] with OptGuildEvent[MessageReactionRemoveAllData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user removes all reactions from a message.

  55. case class MessageReactionRemoveAllData(channelId: TextChannelId, messageId: MessageId, guildId: Option[GuildId]) extends Product with Serializable


    The channel of the message.


    The message the user removed the reactions from.


    The guild this was done in. Can be missing.

  56. case class MessageReactionRemoveEmoji(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[MessageReactionRemoveEmojiData]]) extends ChannelEvent[MessageReactionRemoveEmojiData] with OptGuildEvent[MessageReactionRemoveEmojiData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user removes all reactions of a specific emoji from a message.

  57. case class MessageReactionRemoveEmojiData(channelId: TextChannelId, messageId: MessageId, guildId: Option[GuildId], emoji: PartialEmoji) extends Product with Serializable


    The channel of the message.


    The message the user removed the reactions from.


    The guild this was done in. Can be missing.


    The emoji that was deleted.

  58. case class MessageUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawPartialMessage]]) extends ChannelEvent[RawPartialMessage] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a message is updated.

    Sent to the shard when a message is updated.


    The new message.

  59. sealed trait OptGuildEvent[D] extends GatewayEvent[D]

    Base trait for all events that include an optional guild.

  60. case class PresenceUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[PresenceUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[PresenceUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when the presence of a user updates.

  61. case class PresenceUpdateData(user: PartialUser, guildId: GuildId, status: PresenceStatus, activities: Seq[RawActivity], clientStatus: ClientStatus) extends Product with Serializable


    The user of the presence.


    The guild where the update took place.


    The new status.


    The current activites of the user.

  62. case class RawGuildMemberWithGuild(guildId: GuildId, user: User, nick: Option[String], avatar: Option[String], roles: Seq[RoleId], joinedAt: Option[OffsetDateTime], premiumSince: Option[OffsetDateTime], deaf: Boolean, mute: Boolean, pending: Option[Boolean], communicationDisabledUntil: Option[OffsetDateTime]) extends Product with Serializable
  63. case class RawPartialMessage(id: MessageId, channelId: TextChannelId, author: util.JsonOption[Author[_]], member: util.JsonOption[PartialRawGuildMember], content: util.JsonOption[String], timestamp: util.JsonOption[OffsetDateTime], editedTimestamp: util.JsonOption[OffsetDateTime], tts: util.JsonOption[Boolean], mentionEveryone: util.JsonOption[Boolean], mentions: util.JsonOption[Seq[User]], mentionRoles: util.JsonOption[Seq[RoleId]], mentionChannels: util.JsonOption[Seq[ChannelMention]], attachments: util.JsonOption[Seq[Attachment]], embeds: util.JsonOption[Seq[ReceivedEmbed]], reactions: util.JsonOption[Seq[Reaction]], nonce: util.JsonOption[Either[Long, String]], pinned: util.JsonOption[Boolean], webhookId: util.JsonOption[String], type: util.JsonOption[MessageType], activity: util.JsonOption[RawMessageActivity], application: util.JsonOption[PartialApplication], applicationId: util.JsonOption[ApplicationId], messageReference: util.JsonOption[MessageReference], flags: util.JsonOption[MessageFlags], stickers: util.JsonOption[Seq[RawSticker]], stickerItems: util.JsonOption[Seq[StickerItem]], referencedMessage: util.JsonOption[RawPartialMessage], interaction: util.JsonOption[MessageInteraction], components: util.JsonOption[Seq[ActionRow]], thread: util.JsonOption[RawChannel]) extends Product with Serializable
  64. case class Ready(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[ReadyData]]) extends GatewayEvent[ReadyData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when Discord is ready to serve requests.

    Sent to the shard when Discord is ready to serve requests. No requests should be sent before this has been received.

  65. case class ReadyApplication(id: ApplicationId, flags: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  66. case class ReadyData(v: Int, user: User, guilds: Seq[UnavailableGuild], sessionId: String, shard: Seq[Int], application: ReadyApplication) extends Product with Serializable


    The API version used.


    The client user.


    The guilds for this shard. Not available at first.


    The session id.


    The shard info, the first index is the shard id, while the second is the total amount of shards.

  67. case class Resumed(rawData: Json) extends GatewayEvent[Unit] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a previously interrupted connection is resumed.

  68. case class StageInstanceCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[StageInstance]]) extends GuildEvent[StageInstance] with Product with Serializable
  69. case class StageInstanceDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[StageInstance]]) extends GuildEvent[StageInstance] with Product with Serializable
  70. case class StageInstanceUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[StageInstance]]) extends GuildEvent[StageInstance] with Product with Serializable
  71. case class ThreadCreate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawChannel]]) extends GuildEvent[RawChannel] with ChannelEvent[RawChannel] with Product with Serializable

    Send when a new thread is created, or the current user is added to a thread.

    Send when a new thread is created, or the current user is added to a thread.


    The thread created or added to.

  72. case class ThreadDelete(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[ThreadDeleteData]]) extends GuildEvent[ThreadDeleteData] with ChannelEvent[ThreadDeleteData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent when a thread is deleted.

    Sent when a thread is deleted.


    The deleted thread.

  73. case class ThreadDeleteData(id: ThreadGuildChannelId, guildId: GuildId, parentId: TextGuildChannelId, type: ChannelType) extends Product with Serializable
  74. case class ThreadListSync(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[ThreadListSyncData]]) extends GuildEvent[ThreadListSyncData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent when a user gains access to a channel.

    Sent when a user gains access to a channel.


    Data to update threads the user can now see.

  75. case class ThreadListSyncData(guildId: GuildId, channelIds: Seq[TextGuildChannelId], threads: Seq[RawChannel], members: Seq[RawThreadMember]) extends Product with Serializable
  76. case class ThreadMemberUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawThreadMember]]) extends GatewayEvent[RawThreadMember] with Product with Serializable

    Sent when the thread member object for the current user is updated.

    Sent when the thread member object for the current user is updated.


    An updated thread member for the current user.

  77. case class ThreadMembersUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[ThreadMembersUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[ThreadMembersUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Send when anyone is added or removed from a thread.

    Send when anyone is added or removed from a thread. If the current user does not have the GUILD_MEMBERS intent, then this will only be sent for the current user.


    Data indicating who was added and removed.

  78. case class ThreadMembersUpdateData(id: ThreadGuildChannelId, guildId: GuildId, memberCount: Int, addedMembers: Option[Seq[RawThreadMember]], removedMemberIds: Option[Seq[UserId]]) extends Product with Serializable
  79. case class ThreadUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[RawChannel]]) extends GuildEvent[RawChannel] with ChannelEvent[RawChannel] with Product with Serializable

    Send when a thread is updated.

    Send when a thread is updated.


    The thread updated.

  80. case class TypingStart(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[TypingStartData]]) extends ChannelEvent[TypingStartData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user starts typing in a channel.

  81. case class TypingStartData(channelId: TextChannelId, guildId: Option[GuildId], userId: UserId, timestamp: Instant, member: Option[RawGuildMember]) extends Product with Serializable


    The channel where the typing happened.


    The guild id of where the typing happened.


    The user that began typing.


    When user started typing.

  82. trait UnknownEvent[A] extends GatewayEvent[A]

    An unknown event type which AckCord does not know about.

    An unknown event type which AckCord does not know about.

    Extend this if you want to implement custom event types based on stuff Discord sends.

  83. case class UserUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[User]]) extends GatewayEvent[User] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user object is updated.

    Sent to the shard when a user object is updated.


    The new user.

  84. case class UserWithGuildId(guildId: GuildId, user: User) extends Product with Serializable
  85. case class VoiceServerUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[VoiceServerUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[VoiceServerUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent a guilds voice server is updated.

    Sent a guilds voice server is updated. Also used when connecting to a voice channel.

  86. case class VoiceStateUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[VoiceState]]) extends OptGuildEvent[VoiceState] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when a user joins/leaves/moves voice channels.

    Sent to the shard when a user joins/leaves/moves voice channels.


    New voice states.

  87. case class WebhookUpdate(rawData: Json, data: Later[Result[WebhookUpdateData]]) extends GuildEvent[WebhookUpdateData] with Product with Serializable

    Sent to the shard when guilds webhooks are updated.

  88. case class WebhookUpdateData(guildId: GuildId, channelId: TextChannelId) extends Product with Serializable


    The guild of the updated webhook.


    The channel for the webhook.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  9. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  10. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  11. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  13. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  14. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  15. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  17. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  18. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. object RawGuildMemberWithGuild extends Serializable
  20. object UnknownEvent

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
